Aliko Dangote college of Nursing Sciences

Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences is located in Bauchi and was established in 2010 following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the civilian administration of Madam (Dr). Isah Yuguda after cedí g the former Schools of Nursing and Midwifery to the Federal Government 

The college started operation in September 2013, following the appointment of a Governing Council.

The college’s aim is to train competent and innovative Nurses and midwives who will play an outstanding role in our dynamic health sector.

The college also aims to become a leading Health training Institution that commits to engaging its staff and students in teaching, learning, and research opportunities to produce competent Nurses and Midwives who will deliver quality services in line with global initiatives.

In a bid to fulfill the college’s aims, Alika Dangote College of Nursing Sciences has fully educated and well-trained staff and teachers who are readily available to render their duties efficiently and effectively.

The college has a good learning environment, nice and spacious classrooms, hospitals, well-equipped laboratories, and e- library for reading and carrying out medical research.

To find out how you can be eligible to study at the Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences, make sure to read this content till the end.

Admission Requirements of Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences

Before you can become a bonafide student of Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences, you must meet the following requirements 

  1. Academic Qualifications: You must possess the senior school certificate (WAEC or NECO), with a minimum of five credits including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry in not more than two sittings. If you are applying for the Post Basic Program, you must be a qualified registered midwife or Mental Health Nurse in addition to the above requirement 
  2. Age: You must be between the age of 18-35 years of age before you can be eligible to study at Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences 
  3. Pass Entrance Exam: You must sit and pass the entrance exam that will be conducted by the college 
  4. Pass oral interview: after passing the written exam, you will be invited for an oral interview, successfully passing this interview will lead to you being given an admission 

Nursing Program at Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences 

Below are the Nursing Programs offered at Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences

General Nursing Program 

The General Nursing Program at Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences is a three-year nursing program in which students will be taught the various nursing and practical skills needed to become certified nurses. 

The General Nursing Education Programme is therefore geared towards the learning needs of students, and the health needs of the community and society. The Programme forms the basis for the practice of nursing and continuing education in the discipline of nursing.

Basic and Community Midwifery 

This is an 18-month nursing program that is aimed at producing nursing practitioners who can make an independent judgment, manage normal midwifery, provide appropriate care including family planning, and refer individuals with high-risk pregnancies and complications to other levels of health care.

The curriculum for Basic and Community Midwifery is specifically designed for the training of Midwives who are critical to the delivery of Safe maternal and child health services at the community level.

How to apply for Admission into Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can apply for admission into Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences

  1. Visit the College Bursary Department: You are to visit the College Bursary Department and obtain a REMITA for the payment of a Non-Refundable fee of N8,000 into the college account at Stanbic IBTC Bank and an additional N2,000 for CBT screening. After making this payment, you will be given a scratch card which you will use to continue your application online
  2. Login to the College Portal: Login into the College portal to continue your registration 
  3. Select Study Program: Select your study program, input your scratch card pin and your username, email, and password to register 
  4. Fill application form: after registration, you are to fill out the application form correctly and upload the needed documents 
  5. Submit form: review the application form and submit 
  6. Print Screening Exam Slip: after submitting your form, you are to print the screening exam slip that will be displayed on the portal 
  7. Physical Submission: Submit the screening exam slip alongside photocopies of your credentials to the registration office of the college.


Does Bauchi offer Nursing?

Yes, there are a lot of Nursing Colleges that offer nursing in Bauchi State, one of the notable colleges is the Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences.

Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences was established in 2010 following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the civilian administration of Malam (Dr.) Isah Yuguda after cedí g the former Schools of Nursing and Midwifery to the Federal Government 

Final Thought 

Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences is one of the best private Nursing Schools in Bauchi State. Over the years the college has produced a lot of Nursing graduates who are professionals in the nursing field.

The college is fully recognized and accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria( NMCN) and awards a General Certificate of Nursing at the end of your study program.

The admission process into the Aliko Dangote College of Nursing Sciences is still ongoing and will end soon, you are to visit the Bursary unit of the college before beginning your registration through the college portal.

Candidates for the Community Midwife Programme must be residents within their Local Government of origin.

The school fee at Aliko Dangote College of Nursing is relatively low and affordable, the tuition fee alone per semester is between N45,000-N50,000 for indigenes of Bauchi State and N60,000-N70,000 for nonindigenes.

Additional fees for registration, medical checkups, ID cards, and Lab coats cost between N10,000-N15,000 per semester.

Also, one other thing you need to look out for is the cost of books and learning materials which ranges from N15,000-25,000 per semester.

Students are expected to pay all these fees before the commencement of the first-semester examination. 

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